Best Essential Steps to Choosing a Stud Dog
Reported by judymurphy | October 9th, 2022 @ 06:26 PM
Finding a stud dog is easy. Finding a good stud dog is a little
more difficult. Finding the right stud dog for your bitch can be
downright daunting. By following these guidelines, you can narrow
your list to just a few contenders.
1. Be objective about your bitch’s good and bad points, and
prioritize which are most important.
The chances of finding a stud that complements all of your
bitch’s weak areas is low, but it makes sense to focus on
dogs that don’t share many of her faults and, more
importantly, don’t share her more-significant faults. Even
better, find a stud that has corrected the same weak points when
bred to other bitches.
2. Learn as much as you can about the inheritance of the traits you
need to change.
If your bitch’s undesirable trait is inherited as a simple
dominant, then the stud dog may not be able to correct it, even if
he doesn’t have that trait. If your bitch’s undesirable
trait is inherited as a simple recessive, then the stud can only
correct it if he does not exhibit the same trait, and even then
some puppies may still inherit the trait if he carries a recessive
gene for it.
By looking at the stud dog’s ancestors, you can gauge how
likely it is that he might carry a recessive gene. If an
undesirable trait is inherited polygenically (by the combined
action of several traits), then the stud may only be able to
correct it part way, depending on how affected he is. You can get
clues about what hidden polygenic genes the stud might carry by
looking at his siblings.
3. Open your eyes to dogs from other lines.
Don’t just focus on big winners. Remember: handlers and
advertising can make a top dog out of a mediocre one. At the same
time, don’t get caught up in the “hidden
treasure” syndrome, in which you think you’ve
discovered an unknown, perhaps un-shown, dog that nobody else has
noticed. Judge him as objectively as you would the big winner,
without excuses. Just because a dog has lost a leg in an accident,
for example, doesn’t mean he would have had perfect movement
if he still had four legs. All else being equal, a dog with a
better win record has a greater chance of attracting puppy buyers,
so don’t totally neglect that aspect.
4. Write out sample pedigrees of proposed litters.
You can find programs (some on the Internet are free) that will
calculate a coefficient of inbreeding (COI) for each proposed
pedigree. The COI is an estimate of how inbred your puppies would
be, which in turn, is an estimate of how likely a recessive allele
will double up in one of them. Give extra points to the pedigree
with a smaller COI, particularly one under 10 percent. Because many
hereditary health problems are inherited recessively, your chances
of healthier puppies are greater with lower COIs.
5. Arrange to see prospective stud dogs in person.
Pictures can be doctored, and videos can be carefully edited to
disguise faults and temperament gaffes. The best place to see a lot
of stud dogs is at your breed’s national specialty or, if
you’re looking for a performance dog, at the premier event
for that activity.
6. All else being equal, choose a less-used sire over a popular
For one thing, who wants what everyone else has? In addition, if
you plan to breed subsequent generations, your dogs will be more
valuable to the breed if they don’t carry the same genes that
are swamping the breed’s gene pool.
7. All else being equal, choose a middle-aged or older sire over a
young one.
Young dogs may not have reached maturity, and also may be too young
to be affected by age-related health problems. Very old dogs have
shown they can live to old age. However, they may have problems
with sperm quality.
8. Consider the location of the stud.
Although location shouldn’t be your primary consideration, it
may not be practical to choose a dog from far away if it’s
too hot to ship your bitch by air, or if you can’t take a
week or more off work to drive your bitch there. Although chilled
semen is a good option, some dogs’ semen survives chilling
better than others, and extra expenses are involved in collecting,
chilling, shipping and inseminating.
9. Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, contact the
It’s better to contact only real contenders; other owners
won’t appreciate a shotgun approach, especially if they send
you lots of information and you never get back to them. Be prepared
to tell them about your bitch, and either show her to them or
supply pictures. Explain what you hope to achieve with the litter
and when you plan to breed. It’s bad manners to simply assume
they will say yes. Instead, ask them if they would consider a
10. Ask to see the stud’s genetic test results.
You should already be familiar with the hereditary problems in your
breed and any available tests for them. In fact, your bitch should
have already had the same tests you require of the stud dog. Ask
about the health and longevity of the stud’s siblings and
ancestors. Give preference to a dog whose owner seems upfront about
possible problems.
11. Ask about breeding terms.
Most stud owners will ask for either a fee or a puppy, usually
second pick. If your bitch is to stay with the stud owner, does
boarding cost extra? Is there a fee if she must be picked up from
the airport? If the stud owner is to get a puppy, at what age will
it be chosen? Ask about what constitutes a litter, and what
arrangements are made in case no litter results. What sort of
pre-breeding tests are required? Both males and females should be
tested for brucellosis.
- Improve your chances
Your priorities will differ according to your situation and breeding goals. For example, if you’re breeding for show dogs, you’ll be less likely to compromise on conformation aspects. If you’re breeding for pets, you’ll want to emphasize temperament and health over conformation. If you plan to keep in touch with the stud owner, as most breeders of competition dogs do, then you may even factor in how well you get along with him or her.
Remember, just as no dog is perfect, no stud choice is perfect. But doing the best research you can may raise your chances of perfect puppies.
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